Project Goal:
Create a marketing campaign for PEEC's 2023 Earth Day festival. Since I was designing an event campaign for an organization that already had such a strong and positive reputation in the community, I immediately recognized the importance of not straying too far from the familiarity of PEEC's existing brand. But I also recognized that this festival had been happening annually since 2017 so it was equally important to create fresh branding for this year's campaign to attract newcomers. 
The Challenge
TIME. Working in the non-profit sector often involves very quick turnaround times with minimal time for planning. I had a few weeks to create a campaign that included designing all printed materials needed for advertising this event along with all social media and digital assets needed for advertising as well. 
The direction in which to start this project was a no-brainer, I started with the existing brand of course! PEEC already has a well-established brand, and why fix it if it ain't broken right? I started with the circular nature of PEEC's logo. I wanted to use iconography that complemented their already existing mark while being strong enough to stand on its own as a campaign for PEEC's Earth Day event. 

A rudimentary sketch of possible iconography for PEEC's 2023 Earth Day Festival. 

Flower Power
I drew heavy influence from the 60's hippy movement as many of the volunteers at PEEC were a part of that movement. They were the very "tree huggers" who worked to bring attention to the importance of environmental stewardship and being conscious of our impact on the planet we inhabit, the central concept of Earth Day. So I decided to go the flower power route. I used a simple flower icon as the main visual element of this event campaign.
Social media post sample from PEEC's 2023 Earth Day Festival.
Social media post sample from PEEC's 2023 Earth Day Festival.
I made use of the typeface 'Duckie' for the headlines of this campaign which has a "groovy" feel to it, as another nod to the flower power movement. I continued to use PEEC's branded font, 'Gotham' for all other type treatment to establish brand familiarity. 

Along with other aspects of this campaign, I wanted the color palette to complement PEEC's branded teal color. I decided to go with a brilliant and energizing green, as this color was not only indicative of "going green" in a literal way but also in a figurative way. That bright shade of green symbolizes life on Earth and the bright future we can have if we collectively participate in caring for the planet we all cohabitate. 
Final Result:
Due to the successful use of both printed and digital media to promote this event, PEEC's 2023 Earth Day Festival was well-attended with over 1000 attendees and over 40 booths and vendors participating. 
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